First post of the new year!

Well, there’s a number of things I should do in the new year. Yes. I made the dreaded New years resolutions! First, and to me, most important one is to get better at drawing. Probably petty to most, but honestly, I’ve always wanted to be a somewhat good artist. I know I’ll never be great, but I don’t want my art to look like baby vomit anymore. SO! What my exact resolution is; is to draw one picture a week, starting at the beginning of the week, finishing by the end of the week. Oh, before I continue on! Happy New Year to you all! Damn drunks!

Alright…continueing onto stuff that’s probably more interesting…or not…take your pick here!

You may have noticed….that I am not really human. Nope. That was always a disguise. To fool you. Into reading this blog. Yes. Trickery. Seriously..okay…not really…I switch back and forth from furry to human, but really am furry at heart, and have been actually showing it lately with an avatar I really feel oddly at home in. The idea for it actually spawned from Christmas…and that lovely pack of stuff from the Lucky board at Vitamen (LOVE that store).  I had been running around as a KZK Husky…great avatar, lovely breed of dog…even if a bit over-used in the furry community, though when I got the pack from Vitamen, I tossed on the antlers, adored them. So fast forward…I was bored…Aleksie  wasn’t around…so I started doing some genetic experimentation, grew some hooves…and became…a DEERSKY! …Deer-husky hybrid for those of you who take awhile to catch on. I enjoyed running around as that Cervine hybrid, but the husky part no longer spoke to me, and I had been intending to get around to getting a new furry avatar anyways…so I went to Darkspot designs…INTENDING to get their wolf…but then I saw the fox…I was torn…so..very..torn..and ended up deciding on the fox instead. After getting it…I fell instantly in love. Then again, not surprising since in the beginning, the original design of my fursona was a Red fox/Timber Wolf hybrid; but I digress. I used the antlers for awhile, but sadly they were no mod, and I could not remove the candles that were on them, so I had to go on a quest for new antlers…a frustrating endeavor to say the least. I must give out a thank you though to people who did offer suggestions and tips in my quest for the perfect antlers. You know who you are! What I ended up doing was getting a cervine type avatar from AnthroXtacy. I ended up using the tail, legs AND of course the antlers…though I modified the antlers a bit to look more fitting on my avatar…and thus the Foxibou was born!….Fox/Caribou hybrid for those of you that take awhile to catch on. ;D

Also, Im supposed to be announcing my undying love to someone who loves purple or something along those lines, but Im bad at words, so this will have to do.

I guess I should get around to tell you what I’m made of in the almighty style card.

Base avatar: DSD Fox

Parts from: AnthroXtacy Caribou

Thong: Super Micro Bikini by Vitamen

Collar: Chained ring spike by Refuge

~ by Hideyuki Ichtama on January 1, 2011.

2 Responses to “First post of the new year!”

  1. Why am I never home when you’re takin noodie pix? *grumbles an walks away*

    • Probably because 1. You’re either at or work 2. You’ve gone to bed. 3. I always get bored when you’re not around and have to do SOMETHING. 😛

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