Oh look! Time for yet another rant!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am generally a chill and relax guy, right? Well, I also have a temper, yeah that’s not really  a huge secret either. My temper is at time more easily brought to surface. I’m Scotsman by heritage/Blood lines, and I have a wee bit o’ the italian in me, so I’m genetically predisposed to having a temper, wich I do try to keep in check. One of my hot buttons are idiots. Another of my hot buttons are people whom have this holier than thou attitude. A third hot button is Godmoders.  Combine the three, and that’s asking for trouble. Add in a Dash of the Hideyuki not feeling good? That’s a recipe for disaster. I don’t mind if you don’t like the character I play when I RP, that’s fine. Chances are my character doesn’t like yours either, so oh well;  however, when you bring your IC (in character) Hatred to OOC (out of character) territory, then you’re crossing the line beyond all belief. So it seems lately people are really enjoying pushing my OOC buttons, and my temper has been at record short lengths. I can be a patient, respectful person, however, you better be showing me the same damn respect! When you don’t show me any respect what so ever, then you bet your ass I’m not going to show you any. This doesn’t go just for RP, this goes for everything.  If you want my respect? You better be giving me yours! The very second I sense any hostility from you towards me no matter how subtle it is, and when it’s not warranted, oh man, you best watch yourself.  I am not someone you want to fuck with. If you’d like to know my hot buttons here they all are, for the general world and RP world.

1. Metagaming (RP) If I tell you something OOC you better not make it so your character knows the OOC information I gave you unless He/she makes an IC effort to gain this information

2. Godmoding (RP) God…moding…should say it. You aren’t a fucking God, don’t fucking act like it. You’re not invulnerable. You’re not the most powerful piece of shit to drop into the damn commode.

3. Holier than thou attitudes (General, don’t mind it IC if it works for your character) You’re not better than, I’m not better than you, so quit fucking acting like it!

4. Know it alls  (RP and General) You don’t know everything. No one does. That’s pretty damn impossible right there, so stop acting like you know everything there is to know.

5. Disrespect (General)- Not everyone’s going to get along, no, but a little fucking respect goes a long ways.

6.  Superficial people (General) Do I really need to elaborate on this?

7. Stupidity. (General, IC, again, if this fits your CHARACTER fine. have fun) What the hell people? I know I’m not the brightest damn bulb in the socket, but come on…Show a little fucking intelligence. Ignorance I can forgive to an extent, but straight up stupidity…I can’t handle it. If you want to be an idiot, do so away from me, k? Thanks. Bye.

8. People who say they don’t like something when they never try it. (General) Come on people! What the hell! How can you not like something if you’ve never even given it a chance? You never know what you’re missing out on!

9. Homophobia/Transphobia (General) Once again I can’t stand people who dislike, or are afraid of others because they’re different. If you’re not Trans or gay, okay, whatever, good for you, but you don’t have to be a fucking asshole to someone because they are. This has got to be one of the biggest buttons for me. If you’re closed minded, GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!

And this is where I end my rant. I may have made alot of enemies on this, but I don’t care. I got a blog and I’m going to use it. I wanted to vent. I vented.

*throws his hands up into the air and storms off in a smoking torrent*

~ by Hideyuki Ichtama on September 15, 2010.

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