On the town

Oh look! A post! This is what? The third post in under a month? Miracles do happen and I can be unlazy! ….Maybe I need more vicodin. Or not. That shit aint good to get hooked to, and it makes me insanely sleepy. So yeah…no more vicodin! Make it stop! Anyways, time may pass without a post, but that doesn’t mean my blog is dead or that I forgot about it. It just means I haven’t been inspired, or I just feel like my outfits aren’t good enough to show off….maybe I should give myself a deadline for posting? A week? Yeah..that sounds good. I’ll be trying to post once a week, every week! If you’re lucky I may post more, but don’t get your hopes up there. This puppy is a definite couch potato. So, yeah, this post isn’t an outfit of the day/week/month post, it’s just a random post with me topless sorta! Just because I felt like it! That and I’m entirely too lazy to go into details about the choice of attire. So, enjoy the gratuitous abs shot!

The hell am I?

Twice Baked Pitbull, Heavily modified into a Great Dane

The hell am I wearing?

Shirt: Loose Style Denim shirt by +grasp+

Pants:  Cargo Pants (Digigrade) by Derp

Collar: Chained Ring spike Collar by Refuge

Wristbands: Kaze Armbands by Paradisis

Belt: Rock n’ Rolla belt by Hermony

~ by Hideyuki Ichtama on August 10, 2010.

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