Rantings….they were bound to happen

•August 7, 2010 • Leave a Comment

Title of this post says it all. Rantings. They are definitely bound to happen. Probably not the best idea  for me to be writing some rants while I’m feeling a bit on the stoned side from being drugged up on vicodin courtesy of the dentist; but I still feel the need to rant. I may not be the most moral or ethic person in the world, anyone who knows me, I am quite sure will be able to attest to that.  The meds might be clouding my brain on many things, but I have very strong doubts that they’re clouding my opinion on this atrocity.

It had been brought my attention by Delora through her plurk that artoo Magneto of Akeyo has entered charitable events without the intent of actually being charitable.  I will be the first to admit that I am a cynic by nature, and the actions of  artoo Magneto have proven to be a perfect example as to why I have little to no faith in humanity at this point. Honestly, how greedy and selfish does one have to be to enter  an event run for the purpose of giving to charity, and not doing a damn thing for the charity but for their own gain alone? This makes me sick to the pit of my stomache, and I am certain it is not a side effect of the meds I am on.  artoo Magneto, I will not deny is a talented creator, his animations aer very well done. I’ve bought several of his dances, and enjoyed them. However, I am now regretting my purchases, and I will never again purchase from Akeyo. It makes me absolutely sick that anyone could defraud a charitable organization for their own gain. In the famous words of someone I have no idea who, I must quote this to you, artoo Magneto. “You sir are an asshole.”

Who let the dawgs out? WOOF!

•August 5, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I haven’t blogged in…umm…too long. I’m sure there are a few of you who want to dock my tail for that. I’m sorry! I’ll be a good litt…err…big doggie and post more! I promise! Especially now that I got my avatar exactly how I want it after..umm…too long. So, those of you who don’t already know, I’m going back to my furry roots (Yes, I was furry/anthro long before I came to SL),  demi permanently. By demi permanent, I mean, this is my main look now. A fawn Great Dane. A simple color that was more of a bitch to pin down than you could ever imagine. I have to give a huge shout out to my Bro Aleksie for helping me alot with this avatar. If not for him, I wouldn’t be a very good fawn. I had commissioned some custom textures, the texturer, she did do an outstand job, but she just didn’t capture precisely what I wanted, in turn making me more of an English Mastiff red rather than the yellowish tan of the fawn Great Dane. Also, she put way too much stark black on the muzzle wich made me feel a little lifeless, but did give me a great template to work from  for forging my black mask.  This avatar was a lot more work than I was expecting, but in the end, I think well worth it. I may still tweak it now and then, but for the most part, I am very happy with it. I feel like me. Insert tail wagging here. So in short, this is one of the reasons I havn’t blogged in so long. Now that this is out of the way, I should be returning to blogging more frequently now!

WTF is my body made of?

Avatar: Heavily modified  Pitbull by Twice Baked.

WTF is on said body?

Collar:  Chained Ring Spiked Collar by Refuge

Jacket: Vintage Leather Jacket in white by Demise

Shirt: Tee-Fly-Sky by Aitui

Pants: Naughty Lowrise jeans by FuK’N’HawT

Random picture

•July 3, 2010 • Leave a Comment

I  havn’t posted in a few days. Sorry. I’ve not bee wearing anything exciting enough to blog anyways. Plus I’ve been hooked on Ginga Densetsu weed and Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, so my fashion focus has gone down the hole. So errr, I guess I don’t really have much to say other than go watch Ginga if you like dogs AND anime. It’s a total win/win there. I’ll probably get a better picture of this outfit later and blog about it…maybe. In the mean time enjoy the random picture of me kickin’ it at home.

Pimpin’ it homies!

•June 25, 2010 • 1 Comment

Once again, I find myself fooling around in my inventory again. I remember I had this jacket from Cheerno. So I decided to use it and see what the bloody hell I could come up with. It’s a nice jacket, but really I’m not usually  into this sort of clothing, but somehow I managed to pull off something I found…interesting that I’d be able to wear and look at myself without going…what the bloody fuck was I thinking? I mean, let’s face it….it’s really hard to put something together when it revolves around a piece that has some rather large print like this…atleast for me it is.  So at this point, I was wonder what accessories and other pieces I should wear with this particular jacket. A hat! It dawned on me, that yes, I needed a hat! So I put this hat I got from the dressing room from Glow on with it, and wore my hair down rather than up. Now I was starting to laugh at myself. The jacket, and the hat went great together naturally….so you know me, I like to be a bit..elaborate…and continued the trek through my accessories folder…A feather boa! I tacked that onto my shoulders…oo’lala, I was again, laughing at myself looking like some sort of High class douche-bag of a pimp! So, I ended up looking a little bare down south…what with no pants on and all. So I rummage through my pants folder, and viola, my current favorite pants to date! Then I pull my camera back, ponder…what’s missing, and notice that my tummy hath been feeling cold, so I put on a shirt from Aitui…the outfit is coming together, still in an amusing fashion I’d say. I almost…almost teleported out….barefoot…yeah. HA! So Im like oops, and hop back on the pose stand and go through my very limited footwear folder…find the boots I entered SL in. The Male Rocker boots from the library. Very nice boots actually, so I put them on. Then it hit me, something was missing…of course, what pimp would be complete without his shades? So I of course, put on my sunglasses and go off to get the money from my bitches!

The threads….

Hat: Black Chic by [Glow] studio (Purchased from the dressing room)

Glasses:  Cheap Ass shades by SiniStyle

Boa: Feather Boa Black by VLW

Jacket: KAHD Coat/Print gray by Cheerno. (Purchased from the dressing room)

Shirt: Peace (dark) by Aitui

Pants:  Leather pants by +Grasp+

Boots: Male Rocker Boots found in your library

The Bod…

Hair: Reverse B by eXcess

Eyes: Silent Lucidity Aurora by Shine

Skin: Ephebe Natural by Mascarade

Once in a life time

•June 23, 2010 • 1 Comment

So, I am in a very odd mood today I suppose. I was wanting to wear something….odd and different.  So I went through my inventory, and was needless to say…slightly bored with what I had, until Wolfsheim started playing in my media player with one of my favorite songs. It inspired me to put together this outfit. I suppose other than music being my inspiration, not more I can say about it. I’m sorry guys if you were hoping to read a sob story or something behind the thought of this outfit. Truth is…there isn’t one. Well….I guess wanting to prance around topless….wait…that doesn’t count as a sob story…Damn! I fail! Anyways, Enjoy the song! I always do.

Not the greatest second posting in the world, but hey, I’d like to atleast keep you up to date on what Im wearing from day to day.

What you see….

Hat: Desperado by Illusions

Hair: Reverse B by eXcess

Skin: Ephebe Hurt by Mascarade

Heart/Blood: Cupid’s Arrow by Little Pricks (HA! love that name)

Necklace: Fleur de Lockdown by Lolapop!

Gloves: Dark Katz Gloves by Divalicious

Pants: Leather pants (Straps from the Sey chaps added because they looked cool) by Grasp

What you don’t see….

Eyes: Silent Lucidity Aurora by Shine

Boots: Blasphemy by Sinistyle

Obligatory Introduction Post

•June 22, 2010 • Leave a Comment

So it would seem I’ve gotten around to my first post for Visual Clei, time to introduce myself! In world, I’m known as Hideyuki Ichtama.  Call me Hide, call me Yuki, whatever tickles your fancy, hell you can call me for dinner even if you want! For those of you going what the hell is Visual Clei supposed to mean, there’s a bit of a story behind, something I like to consider a joke name that sort of stuck. It’s derived from  “Visual Kei” and the word “Clay”. I’m sure I don’t need to link a Wiki page on Clay; but anywho I digress. The name Visual Clei came about when I was mentioning on plurk that I needed a name for a  Shape and Static pose store I would be opening (still working on that).  A certain little elf suggested the name Clay, and some how it turned into Visual Clei and stuck. I think it’s a fun and entertaining name, so why not use it for the blog as well, right? …Oh right…about the blog. I probably should get into that too. The Visual Clei blog will likely be a number of things, but one thing that will always remain constant is fashion. Specifically androgynous fashions…and naturally my own personal style. I will post updates and what not here as well about new shapes and poses whenever I get around to opening my store, but in the Mean time, this is just a fun alternative style blog  focused on fashion.

And thus ends the most unprofessional blogging introduction ever.

What I’m wearing:

Hair: Kyohime type B By Sadistic Hacker

Jacket: Boa By Sey

Pants: Rider Chaps by Sey

Necklace: Fleur de Lockdown Necklace by Lolapop!

Boots: Blasphemy by Sinistyle

Glasses: Cheap Ass Shades by Sinistyle

Shirt: Hope/B Tank top by Sey

Eyes:  Silent Lucidty Aurora by Shine

Ears:  Mer-Elf ears by Schadenfreude

Skin:  Ephebe Natural by Mascarade